Alvin was very upset about having to see a doctor when he was hurt, we've never been to urgent care or the emergency room. We got there and he seemed to calm down, they gave him toys to play with and a dvd player to watch a movie and all was better. The doctor examined him and said he needed a few stitches, and then the child life specialist explained what would happen and they told him "no surprises" and all seemed well. The nurse came in every 5 min or so and applied the topical gel to the area to numb it. The doc came back and stitched him up while Alvin whined a bit cause it wasn't totally numb but it only took a few minutes and we were on our way home.
Yes, i am the kind of mom to take pictures of this.....
As we walked out of the Urgent care Alvin says to me "i thought they said no surprises", he was quite annoyed. When i thought about it i felt bad for him cause i try to prepare him for what will happen and instead of me doing it, the child life person did it.......why would they tell kids no surprises if they fail to tell them about any pain? Poor kid they lied to him. What did that child life person know........Next day over lunch i talk with Alvin about the previous night and asked him "would it have been better if they told you they were using a needle" He says "yes" I ask him "how would that make it better" He says "i would have run right out of the building into the van". Ok, maybe the child life person knew what they were doing.........
He is almost all healed up now, it's amazing how much better it looks today......maybe i should do a re-take on the easter pictures. On the down side our 7 1/2 year record of no stitches/emergency care for the kids is broken, guess it had to happen sometime. Rest assured we still are working at the no broken bones record.
On Easter morning as the kids are checking out their baskets, i tell Simon that the real name for bunny turds is jelly beans and that i was being silly when i called them bunny turds. So, when Dave gets home (yes he had to work on Easter) i am eager have her show off the knowledge she gained.
I say what is this (holding a jellybean) and she says "a jellybean" and then follows it up with "yeah, bunny turds are made out of jellybeans".
Sorry to hear your record is broken - glad to know it was minor!