Sunday, April 17, 2011

The other Meat

Well, Spring is school shopping for this family. It is the time of year i spend lots of time researching what books will work best for us in the coming school year.......then once i find them i go "price shopping" for the best deals :)
Apparently, Alvin has caught the fever because the other day Dave went into the store, came out with a box and Alvin says  "oh no he got me a new math book". The fear was short-lived as dad was not shopping for schoolbooks but for some adult beverages. Maybe it is too much to ask for a 7 year old to look forward to starting a new book when he is excited to finish the one he has now.

Simon has had many funny things to say lately, perhaps it is her age or maybe the fact that she talks non-stop loud enough for me to hear her pretty much anywhere in the house. Today we were settling in on what was for lunch and i offered her a few choices and she said she wanted "meat".  At the time i was cutting a roast to try and salvage a 3lb leathery mess for dinner, so i was more then happy to give her a slice of this delicious "meat". She quickly says "NO, not that meat i was the other meat......the 'flat meat'". Hmmmm, flatmeat? she takes me to the fridge and shows me the lunchmeat....flat meat.

Not to be left out Theodore can't say cute things but she can certainly hold up her end of the cuteness in our house. She is such a little peanut, with such a BIG smile for anyone she meets....i think she may be the most social of all of our chipmunks. She has reached the age of discovering her feet/toes, and evidently she not had any feeling in her feet until now. Maybe you never paid enough attention to your baby to see this happen, but i have witnessed it! Now when i dress her at night she laughs when i put her feet in her jammies.  Never happened before, case closed.

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