Sunday, April 24, 2011

Movie Madness

True Confession- Mamadavia is ALWAYS looking for a good bargain and loves a good deal! and a good story.....

The other day we had "family fun day". What is that? Glad you asked, it is any day that Dave has off, because we usually do something together. This only makes sense if you know he doesn't get weekends off and his days off are unpredictable at best.

Looking for something special to do with the kids this time had us at the movie theater, which we do not do very often. Trying to save some $ we always go to a cheaper show, at a cheaper priced theater. This time we went to the more expensive place but only because Mamadavia had $25 in "consession cash" that she got for FREE with codes from cereal last year (and since we had to use this before June, now was a good of time as any).

We found a family friendly movie (which by the way, there have been an abundance of  lately) and off we went. At the box office we paid for tickets and gave them the kids ages (this is important info for later in the story)  all but Theodore because i erroneously thought she was obviously under 2 years old...........nope it isn't obvious to everyone. Movie we want is sold out.....something about rain and school being out.....ok we pick a different movie and we are back on track- 2 kids 2 adults please. Give our ticket to the "ticket taker" 10 steps from where we bought them..............i'll never understand that.

Onto concession where we quickly found out that $25 in concession cash isn't as much as we thought it was. No worries, we got more then our fair share of popcorn and pop, with even some leftover for a bit of candy (which came home with us due to full bellies).

Now time to test the ability of the employee behind the counter. This is about the time i though to myself "maybe we should have not opted for the shortest line but the one with the smartest looking employee". Yeah, it wasn't pretty.........manager called over like 4 times, re-entering the codes on the "cash" i had like 3 times and then finally the manager did the transaction himself (which we thought he should have done to begin with). 25 min later.............and 15 min late for our movie.

We quickly race to the Theater 18, you guessed it...all the way down the long hall (this is about the time i am thankful that Theodore is such a lightweight, i didn't have her in the sling/carrier, i was freestylin' it). Into the darkness....and it is sold out, so there is a seat in the back one in the front and one in the middle somewhere. A different, more competent employee helps us out and we eventually all walk back to the front to get new tickets to another movie.
The manager asks for our tickets and Dave hands them over but there is only 3, and we are stumped. I remembered the total we paid and quickly find we have paid for only the two adults and one child. OOOOps, we had no much for the ticket taker who is suppose to account for each person, right? i mean why else would they stand there?

We end up seeing the movie we really wanted to see(but it was sold out) plus we got to see it in 3D! And we never were asked to pay for whichever of the chipmunks they failed to charge us for. Better yet, after the movie they gave everyone as we exited a coupon for free popcorn (we ended up with 4 of these).

              Alvin~                                                                       Simon~

So cool and the chipmunks are sporting 3D glasses everywhere we go! This wasn't even all the excitement we had that night!

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