Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is with the name?

Well, ironically that is a funny story.

My two older kids (we'll call them Alvin and Simon) started using this term quite often and mama nor dad (or Dave as we will call him), had any clue as to what the little darlings were talking about. After about a month mama had finally gotten that it came from the chimpmunks movie, but had never personally heard the word anywhere in the movie.

Finally, watching the movie again (ok sleeping through most of it) i found at the end of the movie (i think it was in the credits)  one particular rodent says "shake what your mama gave ya"............and in true form for a kid they came up with mamadavia.

Now any adult can relate to hearing a song and having that moment, you know the one where you say "OHHHH that's what they said".
Well, this saying has gone beyond all others and comes up often in our home. Then along came theodore a few months ago and i realised i was comforting her by saying "mamadavia's got you, it's ok".

Mama Davia it is now.
For the record the oldest kid might be a bit like Alvin, but so far i have no reason to call the younger two by the chipmunk names other then i think it is fun.