How to Eat a Burger
Anyone who has become personally acquainted with Theodore, understands that she is "special". One friend recently said "fabulously ornery" which i think pretty much sums it up. She has a following wherever she goes, and i fear that she may need at least one personal assistant the rest of her life.
So, onto the burger. Since she is a little, shall we say "complicated", getting a quick bite to eat is not as simple as it used to be. Occasionally, I will get a cheeseburger for each chipmunk for a quick lunch (and by occasionally, i mean almost never because i am not "that mom".....ok i am "that mom").
I always take out the pickle, and wipe any excess ketchup off before i hand it to her (the 75 seconds it takes me to do this- results in a total meltdown, because although i am skilled, i obviously need to work on speed)
Next, i hand her the burger and she cries............took me a while to figure out (i am slow, we covered that earlier), she wants me to cut it in half for her.
Ok, i break it in half and all is right with the world. While the chipmunks eat i start driving to our next destination (no, of course they don't eat in the car, that would make a mess). I manage to get onto a freeway or into traffic and then a wild scream from the back...........
"Simon, what is wrong with Theodore?"
"I don't know" (Simon's most popular answers are "i can't find it" and 'i don't know")
"Alvin, what is she crying about?
"her burger fell apart" (Alvin usually is quite annoyed, because he doesn't fully comprehend "the burger rule")
THE BURGER RULE: If the bun does not stay placed upon and below the burger or is otherwise rendered askew, then said burger is not edible until the bun and burger are returned to their former state of burger-dome. Repairs can only be made by mamadavia, no exceptions or substitutions. Until burger is acceptably repaired, you may experience crying, screaming and tears.
Mamadavia pulls over, fixes burger and then all is right with the world again.
Here she is tonight out with the whole family "enjoying" a burger
So cute , right?
This was taken after a short cry over the bun falling off, and right before she spit a mouthful of burger into her plate and decided she was done eating.
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